Archive for the ‘teaching’ Category

It Ain’t Easy Being Green… Or Is It?

February 1, 2010

Kermit the Frog used to sing, “It ain’t easy being green” but today, in our eco-conscious climate, it seems being “green” has never been easier. It’s a regular agenda, and not just from the crunchy cons, or the liberal left. Enter Pope Benedict:

Contemplating the beauty of creation inspires us to recognize the love of the Creator, that Love which “moves the sun and the other stars”…. It is imperative that mankind renew and strengthen “that covenant between human beings and the environment, which should mirror the creative love of God, from whom we come and towards whom we are journeying.
– Pope Benedict XVI

A Covenant with Creation?

For Catholics, this whole Green Movement isn’t just a passing fad. It was part of our marching orders way back in Eden; “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over all living things.” For most of our subsequent story, sadly, that call to stewardship, harmony, fecundity, and dominion, has decayed into a twisted domination. The word subdue meant to remember our headship as human persons and not fall into the trap of idolatry (the earth becoming an idol). But we went too far and laid waste to the land, like little Saurons creating our own little Mordors over and over again.

In the Holy Father’s Message for the Celebration of the World Day for Peace, given just a few weeks ago as we entered into the year of Our Lord 2010, he called attention to the pure gift of the environment we so often take for granted, saying:

“Many people experience peace and tranquillity, renewal and reinvigoration, when they come into close contact with the beauty and harmony of nature. There exists a certain reciprocity: as we care for creation, we realize that God, through creation, cares for us.”

That’s a uniquely Catholic vision… a sacramental vision. God, through creation, cares for us. The stuff of the earth, the swirl of molecules, the dance of matter, the splendid mosaic of earth and sky and water; all of this grand display is a storybook for us. God speaks through it all! What a wonderful thing. Everything is full of His wonders. A line from a Peter Mayer song comes to mind; “This morning outside I stood, saw a little red-winged bird, shining like a burning bush, singing like a Scripture verse. Made me want to bow my head… everything is holy now.”

I think a good dose of the natural world does wonders for the soul, especially in these days when it seems only the latest gadget is capable of instilling wonder and “magic.” Granted, we have some amazing works to ponder, but none are so magical as those that flow right from the Mind of God. Who can fashion a single seed, pregnant with the uniqueness of a rose, a giant Redwood, a human life? Only God. What a wonderful world! Great and wonderful are Your works O Lord! Let’s give them a second look, a long and penetrating gaze, and drink in the gratuitous beauty that God filled them with. For this cup overflows just for us!

Bible Smackdown – The Moses Edition

January 10, 2010
When Pope John Paul II called for a New Evangelization, he asked that it be “new in ardor, methods, and expressions.” I hope this is what he meant… Bible Smackdown is one of my ridiculous attempts (and successes, mind you) at getting my students to read and know (and love I hope) the Bible – the people, places, events, and lessons to be learned in the Word. So enjoy this little “teaser trailer” of our last episode!
1. There are three teams, electing one “Moses” each (beards and robes provided).
2. All the students compile trivia questions from the appropriate book(s) of the Bible, our notes, etc. I add a few of my own as well.
3. I ask a question of the prospective Moseses… ending with the sonorous “ding” of Tibetian chimes, and the points go to the first hand up with the correct answer!
Two heseds (Hebrew for ‘mercy’) are given a game, where a Moses can ask his team for help “remembering” his life story and God’s work in it.


The winning team gets to skip a homework assignment the following week!

A New Angle on Moses

December 20, 2008

After covering our section on Moses and the parting of the Red Sea a few weeks ago, one of my students had a kind of “Far Side” moment and set to drawing out his vision. Click his masterpiece for a full scale picture. Props to you Ryan Fulmer!

Survey Says….

August 25, 2008

Yesterday’s gospel reading from Matthew 16 contained one of my favorite dialogues in all of the New Testament. For me, it’s like one of those “grasshopper” moments from Kung Fu.

A great mystery is encountered, and questions like fingers fumble their way through the mind’s knot. Possible answers start to unravel and shimmer on the surface of the soul, each inviting one to take hold of them. But which train of thought carries the precious cargo of the Truth?

THE QUESTION: “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”

Jesus, the Master Teacher, leads them into the Mystery. He doesn’t blast a trumpet, pass out literature, get a lush campaign going to get everybody to follow Him. He just lives… exists… each day, preaching and teaching and walking and breathing, being Who He Is in utter simplicity. And those miracles aren’t like flashy fireworks you know. Read the gospels. They fall from His fingertips so nonchalantly. No airs, just His actions. Wasn’t this all prophesied anyway?

This is how Jesus begins His “campaign.” Not very conventional, eh? And then He invites some feedback. The first Gallup poll. How incredible, how humble, how disarming is it that He wants to know what we think of Him? This could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship! And He wants us to take a really good look at what He’s saying and doing, He wants us to get to know Him so we can give an informed answer when it’s time to vote.

I know that for us today, the invitation still stands (it always has and always will, until the curtain falls in the western sky). Now all we have to do is sit down for a little while each day and read the gospels to illuminate our minds, to experience what He said and did ourselves (because He is still doing it). May we discover in this sincere quest for the truth what so many others have found…

Simon Peter said in reply, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Yes, Grasshopper, you have chosen… wisely!

Techno-Catholics – Evangelizing with New Media

June 9, 2008

I had a great conversation this morning with Greg Willits, the host of the first-ever Catholic New Media Celebration, to be held in Atlanta, GA on Sunday, June 22. He’s the Chief Operations Officer of the Star Quest Production Network ( Greg, along with his wife Jennifer, also created the popular “That Catholic Show” video series and also co-hosts the award-winning Rosary Army Catholic Podcast. These are incredible vehicles for bringing the life of faith into the lives we live in the culture today. There’s something for everyone in the work of SQPN! Listen to our podcast interview here. And watch a sample of a That Catholic Show Episode below! Registration for the Catholic New Media Celebration is free, as well as for the Eucharistic Congress preceding it in Atlanta. Check out the resource websites below for more info…



June 4, 2008

I began this blog over two years ago with the intention of “waking up” – myself first, then, I hoped, any cyber-passers-by; to create a blog not just for sharing news or commenting on it, but for serious (and sometimes silly) reflection. I know, I know…. it’s a rare, old fashioned word and who’s got time for THAT these days 😉

Well, I don’t get enough of it and I thought if I just gave it a crack, others might also step into this Doorway to the Deep. To plunge into the real questions of life, to get past the shallows and out into the open water. I wanted to do all this with an honest, objective, and wonder-filled vision. Because, at the end of the day, Life is Beautiful. Amen?

So the invitation stands to take a few minutes each day to look deep within at the well waters of the soul and, well…. reflect!


There are now over 560 articles on this blog. Yippee! You can access any one of them by scrolling down on the starboard side and finding “THE ARCHIVE – My Past Blog Posts.” Click on a month or day and there you have it, more words (that hopefully lead you to the Word). There are a few new features as well that I want to point out in case you missed ’em.

Now at the bottom of each post there is a little icon called “share this” – if you enjoy a certain article, after reading it, just click “share this” and a pop up window appears that allows you to e-mail it to a friend, add the post to your Facebook profile, your blog, Digg it, and a bunch of other nifty little options.

Scrolling down on the right side of the blog, you’ll find a pretty cool pic of two floating youth on a mountain in North Carolina. Clicking this image will bring you to my new photo feed… woohoo!! Just as a blog has a feed (a feed is a web format used for providing readers with frequently updated content. You click the little orange button in your address bar, then click subscribe, and have easy access to the latest posts) so now you can subscribe to the latest pictures I snap from the Adventures of Bill! I know, it’s random, often ridiculous, but sometimes beautiful….. hey, it’s a life. And if it gets you thinking or starts a conversation about the deeper stuff, mission accomplished!

I continue to tag my posts, which means each article has been given labels as far as the content in them. If you liked yesterday’s post “The Good Stuff” which had the tag “nature” at the bottom, just click it and it will bring up all the other posts in the last two years with that tag and similar content regarding “nature” – et cetera, et cetera! All of the topic tags are listed on the right side of the blog in alphabetical order.

I have a couple other blogs now, discoverable if you click my profile info on the bottom right side of the blog (there’s lots of fun to be had on the right side of this blog, huh?); “The Love Worth Waiting For” is for youth and young adults on the Theology of the Body. I don’t post to it much, but there are some reflections and good resources. And “Bill and Sean’s Excellent Adventure” will be the platform I’ll be mobile blogging to this summer with my nephew as we embark on a Vision Quest for his Confirmation. He doesn’t know where the heck we’re going yet…

And of course the Heart of Things podcast is updated almost weekly (it houses the interviews done on the radio show each week, downloadable through iTunes for your iPod). A new podcast is still under construction called The Good Stuff which I’m EXTREMELY excited about. “Dedicated to the True, the Good, and the Beautiful in music, movies, books and beyond. Sometimes silly, always random, it’s shafts of Light from Another Country shining out from the most unlikely of places… coming this summer!

A growing batch of quotes from the saints, poets, and mystics can be found at my main website, the Mission Moment, as well as links for speaking engagements and presentations that are up and coming.

So there it is, the June update. Thanks for being a reader, and please feel free to drop a comment anytime and let me know how this blog can be a better service to you!

Peace and Prayers,

I Wonder….

April 28, 2008

I’ve decided to reinstate, in an official way, in my classroom tomorrow, the weekly practice hitherto known as “Trivia Tuesday.”

This was something I used in my first year at Malvern, and it worked well. I think it’s high time it came back. Why?

Well, aside from the fact that it uses alliteration (which I’ve decided makes everything “fun”… Masterpiece Monday, Faith-Sharing Friday. The boys always try for Wacky Wednesday, a day dedicated to Homestarrunner, but I just can’t make the theology stretch that far, darn it)… Aside from that, it gives their young minds a chance to percolate, let the truths of the Bible, or the Face of Jesus they are coming to see more clearly in the gospels, start to shine. The mind can only take so much “information” – it needs space for the more important “formation” of character. The stuff has to trickle down you
see, from the head to the heart. There must be time for some mental gymnastics where they can toss and flip these concepts around on the rubber mat of their minds to see if they are tough enough, durable enough, as strong as they believe they are right now.

So “Trivia Tuesday” is a chance to pop an anonymous question on anything theological, from angels to anger, demons to Desperate Housewives, into the Basket o’ Queries. Then we take 10 minutes at the end of Tuesday’s class to try and get some answers.

Wouldn’t it be cool if parishes did this? And you could come early to Mass and have a little Q & A with the padres? Some parishes, I’ve heard, have an “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Catholicism But Were Afraid to Ask” night. Brilliant. And here let me give another
shout out to Fr. Roderick at the “Daily Breakfast” podcast on His “Peculiar Bunch” segment does just that, and it’s brought alot of clarity to alot of people.

This idea struck me today, by the way, because I felt like I shut a kid down in the interest of “time” (whatever THAT is). In the hastiness of the moment, I was getting through a lesson instead of getting through the lesson, if you know what I mean.

I think giving teenagers the chance to be heard and have their questions addressed head on is better than just cramming stuff into their heads with the hope that it’s available later when they need it. So let the Trivia begin! And of course, it’ll be anything but trivial. I’ll keep you posted!

Grace Upon Grace

December 12, 2007

Well, I’m blogging while my Immaculata students take their final exam. Is that irresponsible? Heck no, ’cause they’re a group of amazing young people who can take a test despite the feverish click and clak of these keyboard keys! Yeah!

It’s been an awesome experience, teaching at a University level this semester. And the provident convenience of Immaculata U. being just 7 minutes and 32 seconds from Malvern Prep was another convenience. I’m looking forward to next semester already, though the Christmas break will be nice.

This was a course on Marriage and Family, with a strong emphasis on the Theology of the Body. We read the thoughts of Pope John Paul II, Mary Healy, Christopher West, we critically watched film clips, listened to popular music, and had discussions on the meaning of being human, the reason we are alive, the battle between love and lust. What better way to spend a Tuesday night from 7:15 to 9:45 I ask you!? To be honest, being home with Rebecca would have been better, but she has been amazingly supportive and so encouraging of me in this vocation of teaching. And despite the long nights, I’M LOVING IT! When you find your passion, your passion finds a way. And teaching theology, gazing wide-eyed into the Mystery of Mysteries Who is not a dry dogma or a program but a Person, is my passion!

What will it be like in 10 years, 20? I feel I’m just a baby teacher in many ways. But the Truth and the Goodness and the Beauty are what lead me on. In the words of one of our Malvern teachers, Mike Rawlings (whom I believe is quoting Alison King) a good teacher is not a “Sage on the Stage, but a Guide by the Side.” That’s what I hope to be more and more.