Archive for the ‘Moses’ Category

Bible Smackdown – The Moses Edition

January 10, 2010
When Pope John Paul II called for a New Evangelization, he asked that it be “new in ardor, methods, and expressions.” I hope this is what he meant… Bible Smackdown is one of my ridiculous attempts (and successes, mind you) at getting my students to read and know (and love I hope) the Bible – the people, places, events, and lessons to be learned in the Word. So enjoy this little “teaser trailer” of our last episode!
1. There are three teams, electing one “Moses” each (beards and robes provided).
2. All the students compile trivia questions from the appropriate book(s) of the Bible, our notes, etc. I add a few of my own as well.
3. I ask a question of the prospective Moseses… ending with the sonorous “ding” of Tibetian chimes, and the points go to the first hand up with the correct answer!
Two heseds (Hebrew for ‘mercy’) are given a game, where a Moses can ask his team for help “remembering” his life story and God’s work in it.


The winning team gets to skip a homework assignment the following week!