Archive for the ‘star wars’ Category

Frivolity is Frivolous

November 12, 2008

OK, there are plenty of important things we should be focusing on these days; life, death, taxes, the economy, what’s for dinner….. this I realize. But at the same time, in the immortal words of St. Thomas Aquinas, “there must be time for frivolity” (at least I hope that was Aquinas, since I’ve been getting plenty of mileage off of this quote for some time now).

And so, I bring you, on this Tuesday evening in the year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Eight…. one of the coolest a capella tributes to the movie music of John Williams using lines from the original Star Wars movies that I’ve ever heard. Well, it’s actually the only one I’ve ever heard. And that’s a good thing.

Give it Up for the Ewoks!!

May 14, 2008

I could NOT stop smiling at this … absolutely hilarious! Thanks to Father Roderick over at!